Hello there. Many thanks for taking time to read my blog. I am Sejuty, an investment enthusiast, currently working at a FTSE 100 Asset Management company in London, UK.
Thanks to my line of work as an Investment Strategist, I get plenty of opportunity to study the investment market: through practical day work, attending seminars, working with fund managers and reading various interesting research pieces. My typical day at work starts by reading the Financial Times while sipping through my hot cup of coffee. The market never fails to amaze me.
I am not here to provide any personal investment advice. However, I will be glad if my blog can encourage anyone, especially the first timers, the cash hoarders or someone from a less privileged group to understand the importance of investing and take that first leap of hitting “Buy”
With hope, Sejuty
...personal background and motivation
At the age of 10 I migrated to the UK, with my family. Working for a big bank in Bangladesh, my dad was transferred internally to work for their London office. Needless to say, we happily followed him to the rainy island of United Kingdom. I’ve attended a state school in East London’s Tower Hamlets. My school journey started with bit of a struggle, as English wasn’t my first language, but it sure ended with enough achievements to make my brown parents happy.
I love economics. So, both my undergrad (at Queen Mary) and masters (at London School of Economics) were done in pure economics. Rather than pursuing a career as an economist, I wanted to do something practical in relation to the market and the economy. Within my social reach, I had no connection to the world of investing. Through some good old google search and talking to recruiters, my career began in asset management. I started to see the beauty of investing from day one, and so without any delay I pursued to become CFA charter holder. The rigorous qualification took 3 years to complete. Studying before and after work hour had left me with zero social life. But I am glad to have gained the accreditation and join the ~150,000 CFA holders in the world (of which only 18% are women). Given my interest in personal finance and wanting to help people, in 2024, I again took a leap to study and gain qualification as a Personal Adviser (DipFA).
Born in one of the poorest countries in the world, equality of opportunity really resonates with me. This is the reason why this blog is tilted to be more educational rather than being misguided by any ‘get rich quick’ strategy. Living in the 6th largest economy in the world, I still see a lot of inequality around me: be it through race or gender. I’ve known people who worked tremendously hard during their lifetime and earned very decent wages – but still were left behind at retirement. And I ask myself why.
The answer could be manifold, but the one that stands out to me is the structural disconnect between many households’ wages and wealth. The gap applies to most of us, but is much larger for female and ethnic minorities. Judging by the history, the disparity is here to stay regardless of how hard we work over the course of our professional career…unless we actively seek to make a change.
I believe the change is achievable. Hence, the blog.
The Subtle Investor is about growing our own personal wealth through investing. We can achieve this by:
- Risk aware long-term investing – no trading shortcuts
- Smart management of personal finance
- Understanding the financial markets and how it affects us – because it does!
My aim is to break down these topics into easy to understand concepts that you can apply in your own life regardless of geography.
With that note, I really hope this blog helps you learn something new.
Happy Reading!